Our Commitment
At Tero Carbon, we are dedicated to promoting the participation of small-scale projects in the global market with locally developed methodologies. Our vision is to lead the certification of Brazilian environmental assets with integrity and quality, contributing to global sustainability.
Therefore, we work to ensure that each certified project meets the highest standards, promoting sustainability and earning the trust of our clients. We believe that through honesty, transparency, respect, and commitment, we will achieve our goal.
Tero Carbon and GEAP sign a Memorandum of Understanding for future integration of services
Tero Carbon and GEAP, an electronic trading platform for carbon credits and other environmental assets, have announced the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for the future integration of their services.
Publication of Tero Programs After Public Consultation
We are pleased to announce the publication of the Tero Carbon Certification, Methodologies, Asset Registration, and Use Programs, following the completion of the public consultation period held from August 19 to September 17, 2024. During this period, we received...
Tero Carbon Opens Call for Registration of Validation/Verification Bodies (VVBs)
Tero Carbon, a Brazilian certifier of environmental assets headquartered in Manaus/AM, announces the opening of a call for the registration of Validation/Verification Bodies (VVBs) interested in participating in its Certification Programs. This initiative aims to expand and qualify its network of VVBs, ensuring the robustness and integrity of the carbon project certification processes across Brazil.
Public Consultation on Tero Programs Launched
Tero Carbon, the first Brazilian digital certifier of environmental assets with Amazonian origins, is making available for public consultation on Monday (19) its three programs for the environmental asset market (carbon credits and stock): Certification (Version 1.0), Methodologies (Version 1.0), and Asset Registration and Use (Version 1.0).
Tero Carbon is the first Brazilian certifier to integrate with the global CAD Trust platform
Tero Carbon, the only Brazilian certifier of carbon credits and carbon stocks with a genuinely Amazonian DNA, has just integrated into the global Climate Action Data Trust (CAD Trust) platform. As a result, every asset generated and registered on the Tero Platform, along with its operations, will also be reported to the decentralized global platform. This process aims to further enhance the transparency and traceability of all Tero Carbon assets.
INPA Expresses Support for Tero Carbon to Boost Sustainability in the Amazon
INPA supports Tero Carbon, highlighting the importance of carbon credit traceability through blockchain. This institutional support strengthens the certification and registration of carbon projects, promoting sustainability and economic development in the Amazon, with national and international backing.
Launch of Methodology TERO.005 – Reduction of GHG Emissions via Electric Vehicles, Version 1.0
Tero Carbon is pleased to announce the official launch of Methodology TERO.005 – Reduction of GHG Emissions via Electric Vehicles, Version 1.0. This innovative methodology aims to generate carbon credits by reducing greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) through the gradual replacement of land-based fleets with electric vehicles.
Eco Farm Santa Bárbara Coffee Project Receives Tero Carbon Certification
The Eco Farm Santa Bárbara Coffee Project Receives Tero Carbon Certification generating 1,937 tCO2e (Carbon Credits), Vintage 2024, for a crediting period from 12/01/2015 to 01/24/2024. This project, based on nature solutions (NBS), from the AFOLU sector, met all the criteria of the Tero Carbon Certification Program. The methodology used was TERO.004 – Carbon Stock in Agrosilvopastoral System, version 1.0.
Public Consultation of the Methodology TERO.005 – Reduction of GHG Emissions via Electric Vehicles is open
The Public Consultation on the TERO.005 Methodology has been opened, which aims to replace combustion vehicles with electric vehicles, reducing GHG emissions. Civil society is invited to contribute for 30 days to improve criteria and guidelines for issuing carbon credits.
Amazonas Commercial Association Announces Support for Tero Carbon
The Amazonas Commercial Association – ACA understands that the same attention given to the role of forests and agribusiness in the state of Amazonas regarding global climate change must also be considered the potential that the state has to become the main export base for Carbon Credits, thus expressing support for Tero Carbon.
Launched the Methodology TERO.004 – Carbon Stock in Agrosilvopastoral System Version 1.0
TERO.004 – Carbon Stock in Agrosilvopastoral System is an Agriculture, Forests and Land Use (AFOLU) methodology, in this first version, aimed at the cultivation of Coffee throughout the Brazilian territory. The methodology provides for the generation of Verified Carbon Credit (by Removal), represented by one ton of carbon dioxide equivalent (tCO2e). The project’s commitment period is unlimited, that is, its closing date can be defined later by communicating it to the certifier and the market.
Methodology TERO.003 – Carbon Stock in Forests Version 1.0 launched
Today the TERO.003 – Carbon Stock in Forests Methodology, Version 1.0, was launched. Now, after the public consultation period and review of the comments arising from it, it is ready to receive projects.
First Tero Carbon Certification
Today we are pleased to announce the first certification carried out by Tero Carbon. The Aruanã Project, in addition to being certified based on the TERO.001 – REDD+ methodology, was verified, generating environmental assets (verified carbon credits).
Tero Carbon announces support from INPA Business Incubator
It is with great satisfaction that Tero Carbon announces a significant strategic partnership with the Business Incubator of the National Amazon Research Institute (INPA). This collaboration marks a joint commitment to preservation and sustainable development in the Amazon region, aiming to boost enterprises that seek harmony between economic growth and environmental conservation.
Public Consultation on the Methodology TERO.004 – Carbon Stock in Agrosilvopastoral System is open
TERO.004 – Carbon Stock in Agrosilvopastoral System is an innovative methodology that in this first version is focused primarily on Coffee cultivation throughout the Brazilian biome. It aims to generate two environmental assets: Verified Carbon Stock and Verified Carbon Credit, both equivalent to one ton of carbon dioxide (tCO2e).
Public Consultation of the Methodology TERO.003 – Carbon Stock in Forests is open
TERO.003 – Carbon Stock in Forests is an AFOLU methodology, in this first version, focused on the Amazon Biome. It brings as an innovation the generation of two environmental assets: (a) Verified Carbon Stock and (b) Verified Carbon Credit, both represented by one ton of carbon dioxide equivalent (tCO2e). The commitment period for projects that opt for this methodology is unlimited and can be renewed periodically, upon communication to the certifier and the market.
Tero Carbon Complete 1 Year
Tero Carbon complete 1 year, thank you very much! A year ago, we launched ourselves on the market as a digital certifier of carbon credits and stocks. During this period, we guarantee the fulfillment of our mission in the market: We unite our own methodologies, developed for the reality of the Amazon and Brazil, with technologies that simplify project registration, providing transparency and security in asset transactions.
Online seminar on the TERO.002 – REDD Methodology
The TERO.002 – REDD Methodology Version 1.0 was officially launched after being approved in the Public Consultation stage and now we invite you to participate in our online seminar for a detailed presentation.
TERO.002 – REDD Methodology Version 1.0 is launched and ready to receive projects
After approval by the Public Consultation mechanism, the TERO.002 – REDD Methodology Version 1.0 is launched and ready to receive projects.
A week marked by important events related to the carbon market
The week was marked by important events related to the carbon market. During the 19th and 20th of June, our CEO Francisco Higuchi and part of our team had the opportunity to discuss significant advances in this sector and present proposals for the regulated Brazilian carbon market.
Public Consultation of the TERO.002 – REDD Methodology is open
The TERO.002 – REDD Methodology has as its main objective the generation of verified carbon credits from forestry projects through Avoided Planned Deforestation (APD) in the Amazon Biome. REDD stands for Reduction of Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation.
Public Consultation of the TERO.002 – REDD Methodology will be launched soon
The public consultation of the TERO.002 – REDD Methodology will be launched soon and its main objective is to generate verified carbon credits from forestry projects with the Avoided Planned Deforestation (APD) activity in the Amazon Biome.
Version 1.0 of the TERO.001 – REDD+ Methodology was completed and is now available
The TERO.001 – REDD+ Methodology, version 1.0, was launched today after receiving contributions during the public consultation period (December 15, 2022 to January 14, 2023 -30 days). In total there were 12 contributions with approval and comments from various professionals.
The Federation of Industries of the State of Amazonas (FIEAM) launches a letter of support for Tero Carbon
The Federation of Industry of the State of Amazonas (Sistema FIEAM) launches a letter of support to Tero Carbon and hopes that the Certifier will be the starting point in the process of developing the carbon market in the Amazon region.
Consultation with the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM) About the Certificates Issued by Tero Carbon
In December 2022, Tero Carbon held a consultation with the Brazilian Securities Commission (CVM) about digital certificates of environmental assets through an asset-referenced token, of the non-fungible tokens (NFT) type, which use Blockchain technology.
We aim to lead the certification of Brazilian assets for the global market
Ready to learn more about our certification services or need detailed information about our service fees? Contact us today and start turning your environmental impact into value.
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