Public Consultation of the Methodology TERO.003 – Carbon Stock in Forests is open!

TERO.003 – Carbon Stock in Forests is an Agriculture, Forests and Land Use (AFOLU) methodology, in this first version, focused on the Amazon Biome. It brings as an innovation the generation of two environmental assets: (a) Verified Carbon Stock and (b) Verified Carbon Credit, both represented by one ton of carbon dioxide equivalent (tCO2e). The commitment period for projects that opt for this methodology is unlimited and can be renewed periodically, upon communication to the certifier and the market.

Assets are generated through the preservation and increase of biomass stocks in all forest areas on rural properties, including the Legal Reserve (RL) and Permanent Preservation Areas (APPs). The objective is to encourage activities that keep the forest standing, generating assets (credit and carbon stock) that benefit rural owners who demonstrate their contribution to mitigating climate change.

The Verified Carbon Stock of the project area may be renewed periodically through the new submission of the Sample Forest Inventory (IFA) and its verification, carried out by Tero Carbon and an independent audit. If an increase in carbon stocks in the forest is found, a Verified Carbon Credit will also be generated in the amount exceeding the maximum stock previously measured.

The methodology, within the concept of Payment for Environmental Services (PSA), has the co-benefit of maintaining and preserving biodiversity and water resources. Forestry activities are also accepted as a way of enriching carbon stocks.

Public Consultation of the Methodology TERO.003 – Carbon Stock in Forests is open

Send suggestions and comments by 11/30/2023 using our form available on the Public Consultation page.

Below is the schedule for this consultation:

  • 11/01/2023 to 11/30/2023 – Online form available for sending comments and suggestions about the TERO.003 – Carbon Stock in Forests Methodology;
  • 12/01/2023 to 12/15/2023 – Analysis of all contributions from the public form;
  • TBD – Online seminar to present the overview of the TERO.003 – Carbon Stock in Forests Methodology and also interact with the public.

About Tero Carbon

Tero Carbon is a digital certifier of environmental assets, credit and carbon stock. We work with exclusive methodologies, developed by partner institutions, which were submitted and approved in a Public Consultation instrument.

We have developed an independent process for certifying carbon projects and verifying environmental assets, supported by a technological platform developed to accelerate these processes. We issue certificates for the generation, transfer and retirement of carbon credits using Blockchain technology to ensure security, transparency and traceability of assets.

We share and support best market practices to deliver a quality asset, supported by eligibility criteria and socio-environmental safeguards, in accordance with best market practices, such as those established by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) of the United Nations (UN) and the Core Carbon Principles. We are a certifying entity for the Amazon and Brazil.