We have great news to share with you:
The TERO.002 – REDD Methodology Version 1.0 was officially launched after being approved in the Public Consultation stage! We are excited to introduce this innovative methodology.
We invite you to participate in our online seminar: TERO.002 Methodology – REDD v1.0.
During the event, our CEO, Francisco Higuchi, will give a detailed presentation of the TERO.002 Methodology – REDD v1.0, which focuses on reducing greenhouse gas emissions through Avoided Planned Deforestation (APD). Our approach prioritizes environmental impacts and the preservation of biodiversity and forests. In addition, we will address eligible rural properties, including both public and private properties with natural forests.
Online seminar on the TERO.002 – REDD Methodology
Participate with us in this important moment for the sector and help us spread this essential knowledge. Join us on 8/23 at 2pm (Brasília Time) for our Online Seminar via the content link in the button below:
About Tero Carbon
Tero Carbon is a digital certifier of carbon credit and stock that has its own methodologies for generating certified quality environmental assets, such as Carbon Credit and Carbon Stock.
We have developed a platform that, in addition to facilitating the registration and certification process, uses Blockchain technology to generate issue, transfer and retirement certificates (NFT), providing greater transparency, traceability and avoiding double counting.
Tero Carbon is a Brazilian certifier, located in Manaus, Amazonas, in the middle of the Amazon Forest. We are very proud to be supported and guaranteed by the Federation of Industries of the Federação das Indústrias do Estado do Amazonas (FIEAM), which shares the mission of contributing to the economic development of the region, now also through a carbon market.