Today the TERO.003 – Carbon Stock in Forests Methodology, Version 1.0, was launched. Now, after the public consultation period and review of the comments arising from it, it is ready to receive projects.

About TERO.003 Methodology

The TERO.003 – Carbon Stock in Forests methodology, aimed at the Amazon biome, innovates by generating two environmental assets: Verified Carbon Stock and Verified Carbon Credit, both equivalent to one ton of carbon dioxide (tCO2e). Projects that adopt it have an unlimited commitment, renewable upon communication to the certifier.

The assets are generated by preserving and increasing biomass stocks in forest areas, encouraging practices that keep forests standing. The renewal of the Verified Carbon Stock is subject to periodic verification, with the possibility of generating additional Verified Carbon Credits.

The methodology, within the concept of Payment for Environmental Services (PSA), has the co-benefit of maintaining and preserving biodiversity and water resources. Forestry activities are also accepted as a way of enriching carbon stocks.

About Tero Carbon

Tero Carbon is a digital certifier of carbon credits and stocks. Created in Manaus, in 2022, the company uses exclusive methodologies, focused on the Brazilian reality and which follow the technical guidelines of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), in addition to being the first in the segment with genuinely Amazonian DNA. Its technical staff has more than 15 years of experience in developing forest carbon projects in the Amazon, with expertise in the region’s logistics and social aspects of traditional communities. The certifier uses blockchain technology to provide security, reliability and traceability to the environmental asset certification process and has the support of renowned institutions in the sector, including: Business Incubator of the National Institute of Amazon Research (IE-INPA) , an entity linked to the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, the National Federation of Industries of the State of the Amazon (FIEAM) and the venture builder VB92 Launch Hub.