Version 1.0 of the TERO.001 – REDD+ Methodology was completed and is now available.

One of the main pillars of every certification is the transparency of its processes and the attempt to involve society in the discussion of issues related to its methodologies.

The steps described below are the roadmap followed to meet all the “checks” and reach the completion of version 1.0:

  • 12/15/2022 a 01/14/2023 – We make available to the public the PDF with the TERO.001 – REDD+ methodology and the online form for the public to collaborate with their suggestions, criticisms and doubts;
  • 01/15/2023 a 02/06/2023 – We review all contributions from the public form which will be taken into account in our next update.;
  • 02/10/2023 – The v1.0 of the TERO.001 – REDD+ methodology was published;
  • 02/14/2023 – We held the online seminar to provide an overview of the TERO.001 – REDD+ methodology and also to interact with the public’s feedback and suggestions.

See the recording in full –

Access the methodology and check the completed v1.0 version.

About Tero Carbon

Tero Carbon is a digital certifier of carbon credit and carbon stock that has its own methodologies for generating certified quality environmental assets, such as Carbon Credit and Carbon Stock.

We have developed a platform that, in addition to facilitating the registration and certification process, uses Blockchain technology to generate issue, transfer and retirement certificates (NFT), providing greater transparency, traceability and avoiding double counting.

Tero Carbon is a Brazilian certifier, located in Manaus, Amazonas, in the middle of the Amazon Forest. We are very proud to be supported and guaranteed by the Federation of Industries of the State of Amazonas (FIEAM), which shares the mission of contributing to the economic development of the region, now also through a carbon market.