Today we are pleased to announce the first certification carried out by Tero Carbon. The Aruanã Project, in addition to being certified based on the TERO.001 – REDD+ methodology, was verified, generating environmental assets (verified carbon credits).
In total, 2,240,307 tCO2e (tons of carbon dioxide equivalent) were recorded, enough to eliminate emissions from a population estimated at 320,000 people. The project concerns a property with a total area of 12 thousand hectares, located in the municipality of Itacoatiara, in Amazonas, belonging to Agropecuária Aruanã.
The generation of these carbon credits refers to a period of 41 years, from January 1980 to December 2020. The project included the generation of environmental assets from two forms: Avoided Emissions (related to the waiver of the right to deforest, according to the Current Forest Code) and Removed Emissions (related to the reforestation of degraded areas).
The verification innovates by generating NFT-type digital certificates (Non Fungible Tokens), which were made available on the OpenSea, platform, where interested parties can find the main public information related to the project and its transactions. For registration, Tero Carbon also used the public Blockchain Polygon network, giving operations a unique identity and thus avoiding problems such as double counting.
About Agropecuária Aruanã
Agropecuária Aruanã began its activities in 1969. The initial objective was to deforest 50% of the area, as permitted by the current Forest Code, for transformation into pastures. In 1975, after transforming just over 1 thousand hectares of forests into pastures, the owners of the area voluntarily decided to stop livestock farming and begin a process of reforestation of native species. Currently, the property has the largest chestnut reforestation area in the Amazon, with approximately 1,400 hectares of plantations. In addition to generating direct and indirect jobs for the surrounding communities with the chestnut harvest, the property also maintains the Instituto Excelsa, which produces and distributes seedlings to farming families in the Amazon.
About Aruanã Project
The Aruanã project is the first verified by the Brazilian certification company Tero Carbon, which uses methodologies specially developed for the national reality. The CEO of Tero Carbon, Francisco Higuchi, PhD in Ecology and Tropical Forest Management (UFPR/INPA/ FFPRI Japan) and who has more than 15 years of experience in forestry projects and carbon estimation in the Amazon, argues that Aruanã is a success story among projects classified as REDD+ (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation, including the conservation and increase of carbon stocks).
“The initiative brings together important environmental, but also social and economic issues. The owners understand that they are part of the ecosystem and that managing the area generates ecological, social and economic benefits and impacts”.
Francisco Higuchi, Tero Carbon’s CEO
About Tero Carbon
Tero Carbon is a digital certifier of carbon credits and stocks. Created in Manaus, in 2022, the company uses exclusive methodologies, focused on the Brazilian reality and which follow the technical guidelines of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), in addition to being the first in the segment with genuinely Amazonian DNA. Its technical staff has more than 15 years of experience in developing forest carbon projects in the Amazon, with expertise in the region’s logistics and social aspects of traditional communities. The certifier uses blockchain technology to provide security, reliability and traceability to the environmental asset certification process and has the support of renowned institutions in the sector, including: Business Incubator of the National Institute of Amazon Research (IE-INPA) , an entity linked to the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, the National Federation of Industries of the State of the Amazon (FIEAM) and the venture builder VB92 Launch Hub.