by Equipe Tero | Jul 8, 2024 | Methodology
Tero Carbon is pleased to announce the official launch of Methodology TERO.005 – Reduction of GHG Emissions via Electric Vehicles, Version 1.0. This innovative methodology aims to generate carbon credits by reducing greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) through the gradual replacement of land-based fleets with electric vehicles.
Developed by BVM12 strategically to mitigate air pollution, TERO.005 promotes a transition to cleaner and more sustainable energy sources, encouraging the adoption of eco-efficient technologies in the transportation sector. Projects implemented under this methodology play a crucial role in the global fight against climate change, significantly contributing to a more sustainable and resilient future.
Methodology TERO.005 underwent a rigorous public consultation process through the Tero Carbon Methodologies Program, reflecting our commitment to transparency and excellence in the carbon market. We received contributions from civil society during the period from 17/05/2024 to 16/06/2024, ensuring that the methodology is robust not only in technical terms but also in its social and economic applicability.
As a national certifier of environmental assets, Tero Carbon is committed to democratizing the voluntary carbon market in Brazil, ensuring that projects of all scales have equitable access to climate change mitigation opportunities. We deeply value socio-environmental safeguards and adherence to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), ensuring that each certified project makes a positive contribution to the environment and society as a whole.
This methodology represents not only a significant advancement in promoting responsible environmental practices but also underscores our commitment to sustainability and technological innovation. We are confident that TERO.005 will serve as a catalyst for positive transformations in the Brazilian transportation sector, driving toward a greener and more resilient future.
For more information on how to participate and apply Methodology TERO.005 to your projects, please visit the methodology page or contact us directly. Together, we can achieve a positive environmental impact and build a legacy of sustainability for future generations.
by Equipe Tero | May 17, 2024 | Announcement, Methodology
The Public Consultation on the Methodology TERO.005 – Reduction of GHG Emissions via Electric Vehicles is open and accepting contributions from civil society.
Tero Carbon, a digital certifier of Brazilian environmental assets with genuinely Amazonian DNA, is pleased to announce the launch of its latest methodology for public consultation: TERO.005 – Reduction of GHG Emissions via Electric Vehicles.
The methodology developed by BVM12 is part of the new Technology-Based Solutions Program (TBS), focused on reducing Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions by replacing the land fleet of combustion vehicles with electric vehicles. Aimed at companies with vehicle fleets or application companies for logistics or mobility, TERO.005 establishes precise and careful criteria to guarantee integrity and transparency in the issuance of carbon credits for reduced emissions.
The public consultation, launched on May 17, 2024, has the main objective of collecting contributions from civil society on the methodology. Therefore, over a period of 30 days, we invite all interested parties to review the methodology and provide valuable feedback. We believe this collaboration will help further refine TERO.005, making it a powerful tool to promote the transition to a low-carbon economy.
Tero Carbon is committed to leading the certification of Brazilian environmental assets, and TERO.005 is yet another demonstration of this commitment. We look forward to working closely with the community to develop solutions that protect our environment and promote a more sustainable future for everyone.
How to participate
The Public Consultation on Methodology TERO.005 – Reduction of GHG Emissions via Electric Vehicles is open. For more information about the methodology and participation form, visit our website.
About Tero Carbon
Tero Carbon is a digital certifier of carbon credits and stocks. Created in Manaus, in 2022, the company uses exclusive methodologies, focused on the Brazilian reality and which follow the technical guidelines of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), in addition to being the first in the segment with genuinely Amazonian DNA.
Its technical staff has more than 15 years of experience in developing forest carbon projects in the Amazon, with expertise in the region’s logistics and social aspects of traditional communities. The certifier uses blockchain technology to provide security, reliability and traceability to the environmental asset certification process.
With the support of renowned institutions in the sector, such as the Business Incubator of the National Amazon Research Institute (IE-INPA), an entity linked to the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, of the National Federation of Industries of the State of Amazonas (FIEAM ) and the venture builder VB92 Launch Hub.