Launched the Methodology TERO.004 – Carbon Stock in Agrosilvopastoral System Version 1.0
Today the Methodology TERO.004 – Carbon Stock in Agrosilvopastoral System, Version 1.0, was launched. Now, after the public consultation period and review of the comments arising from it, it is ready to receive projects.
Each methodology we launch goes through the following steps:
- Announcement that there will be a public consultation, so that the public is aware of the next steps;
- Public consultation period, so that the public can contribute their criticisms and suggestions through the online form available, as this way we can build together methodologies in accordance with the Brazilian reality and also reinforce the transparency of our processes; and
- Analysis of all contributions received. We consider these suggestions in our next methodology update.
About TERO.004 Methodology
TERO.004 – Carbon Stock in Agrosilvopastoral System is an Agriculture, Forests and Land Use (AFOLU) methodology, in this first version, aimed at the cultivation of Coffee throughout the Brazilian territory. The methodology provides for the generation of Verified Carbon Credit (by Removal), represented by one ton of carbon dioxide equivalent (tCO2e). The project’s commitment period is unlimited, that is, its closing date can be defined later by communicating it to the certifier and the market.
The objective of this methodology is the generation of environmental assets in projects that promote the removal, conservation and preservation of carbon stocks in agroforestry farming systems throughout Brazilian territory. It is an incentive for farmers who, through their agricultural activities, contribute to the global climate balance.
The Carbon Stock of the project area can be monitored periodically through verification. Any verified increase in carbon stocks in the crop will be considered a Verified Carbon Credit in the amount exceeding the maximum stock previously measured.
The methodology, within the concept of Payment for Environmental Services (PSA), has as co-benefits the conservation and preservation of biome biodiversity and sustainable development. In addition to maintaining carbon stocks from agricultural crops, forestry is also accepted as a way of enriching biomass stocks.
About Tero Carbon
Tero Carbon is a digital certifier of carbon credits and stocks. Created in Manaus, in 2022, the company uses exclusive methodologies, focused on the Brazilian reality and which follow the technical guidelines of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), in addition to being the first in the segment with genuinely Amazonian DNA. Its technical staff has more than 15 years of experience in developing forest carbon projects in the Amazon, with expertise in the region’s logistics and social aspects of traditional communities. The certifier uses blockchain technology to provide security, reliability and traceability to the environmental asset certification process and has the support of renowned institutions in the sector, including: Business Incubator of the National Institute of Amazon Research (IE-INPA) , an entity linked to the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, the National Federation of Industries of the State of the Amazon (FIEAM) and the venture builder VB92 Launch Hub.