Certification Process
Carbon Project Certification Process
Tero provides an independent audit service by certifying Carbon Projects that generate environmental assets (carbon credit and stock) that meet the technical, legal and safeguard criteria present in our methodologies. Tero seeks to comply with international Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV) standards to generate quality assets. For this we carry out the following activities:
Information audit
We audit the information provided in the project registration
We audit project participants to validate information
On-site visit
We make a technical visit to the project areas for an “in loco” audit
remote sensing analysis
We analyze the history of land use change in the project’s rural properties
public consultation
We use the public consultation instrument for projects with public rural properties
The criteria for certification of a carbon project are:
1. The mandatory information of the carbon project, recorded on the Tero Platform, is cohesive and in accordance with the chosen methodology;
2.There is a clear definition of Project Participants*:
- At least 1 (one) Project Proponent is required;
- At least 1 (one) Project Developer is required;
- At least 1 (one) Project Implementer is required;
- At least 1 (one) Technical Team is required.
* Participants are allowed to have cumulative roles.
3. Evidence of life (in the case of an Individual participant) or existence (in the case of a Legal Entity participant) of the project participants was presented;
4. Demonstrate the land regularity of the rural properties registered in the project, providing documentation and legal opinion of Land Due Diligence;
5. Provide the macrozoning limits of rural properties in accordance with the Rural Environmental Registry (CAR)**;
** Rural properties with overlapping boundaries in the CAR will not be accepted.
6. Provide a spreadsheet containing data from the Sample Forest Inventory (IFA) in a standard format (to be provided by Tero), using the carbon stock quantification methods provided for in the chosen methodology;***
7. Statistical analyzes of data collected in the field are within expectations for the region of interest;
*** Secondary data will only be accepted as a complement, not being used to calculate the carbon stock.
8. Compliance with socio-environmental safeguards;
9. Present the co-benefits, if necessary, according to the chosen methodology;
10. It is necessary to present signed documents (models provided by Tero) such as:
- Term of Commitment for “Zero Deforestation” in the Project Area (AP) during the commitment period (Carbon Project);
- Term of Consent from the owners of rural properties, in the case of private property, or Free Prior and Informed Consent from the communities that are in the Conservation Unit (UC), in the case of public areas;
- Term of Voluntary Implementation,attesting that the activities that generate environmental assets do not arise from obligations under the Law;
- Term of Assignment of Image Rights, granting image use rights to the holders of assets generated by the Carbon Project.
Process Products
At the end of the certification process, two public products are generated:
Project Design Document
Project certification proof
Certification Process
We are a Digital Certifier of Environmental Assets. If you want to talk, contact us!
Who audits the project?
Tero Carbon is a certifying entity and acts as an independent third party in the audit of carbon projects.
At the end of the certification process, do I already have the generated assets?
No. The certification process audits whether the carbon project is in accordance with the established methodology and criteria. The process that generates the asset is Verification.
How many times can I certify my project?
Only one. The verification process is that it can be performed more than once (once per crediting period).
My rural property has an overlap in the CAR, what do I do?
It is necessary for the owner to consult a land specialist to solve the overlapping problem with the competent bodies and, thus, update the Rural Environmental Registry (CAR).
Is Tero's certification recognized by the UN?
The United Nations (UN) does not accredit certifiers. The reputation of the national and/or international certifying entity is given by the market.